Best friend Lukaku: "It will be Saudi Arabia or Anderlecht, I think"

TUESDAY, 25 JUNE 2024, 10:34 - lajoya
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INTERVIEWS Where does Romelu Lukaku's future lie? Not at Chelsea and not at AS Roma. The 31-year-old striker has already told several times that one day he wants to play for Anderlecht again. And that day could be very close, according to his best friend Vinnie Frans.

De Morgen spoke with Vinnie Frans, one of Lukaku's few true friends, a few days ago. The two have known each other since they were children and Frans is the godfather of Lukaku's eldest son Romeo. 

Moments ago, Lukaku visited Frans in Wintam, where they grew up together. "Here he finally felt some peace," Frans says. "He yearns for that." According to Frans, 15 years of professional soccer are gradually beginning to take their toll, both physically and mentally. He tells how Lukaku is becoming more and more isolated. "Romelu has withdrawn. He doesn't get out much anymore. Only late at night, with a hood over his head." According to Frans, Lukaku yearns for an unremarkable life.

So asked about Lukaku's future, Frans replied, "Either he returns to Anderlecht or he goes to Saudi Arabia. It will be one of the two, I think."

Lukaku himself said in advance a few weeks ago "I know what I want" about his future.

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