Schmeichel keen to return to England

FRIDAY, 21 JUNE 2024, 13:23 - lajoya
Anderlecht-Online No Image Found

TRANSFERS Kasper Schmeichel, 37, is considering leaving Anderlecht this summer. The goalkeeper is open to a return to England. Schmeichel left OGC Nice for Anderlecht last September. His contract is expiring, but there is an option for another year. A decision has not yet been mad

The goalkeeper now admits he misses English football. "For me, it's the ultimate. I love playing in England because that's the type of soccer I grew up with, still watch and love to be a part of," Schmeichel said.

"It could be that I end up there again. There is no doubt that English soccer has a special place in my heart. It may be that I end up there again, because I miss it."

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