Gillet on radar for U21

WEDNESDAY, 4 MAY 2022, 17:29 - lajoya
Anderlecht-Online No Image Found

TRANSFERS Anderlecht would be interested in Guillaume Gillet, according to Le Soir. The former player would combine a position of T2 at the U21 as a player to assist the young team in 1B.

The U21 entering 1B next season are allowed to field two players who are 30 years old or older, provided they are not part of the first team..

Gillet's contract with Waasland-Beveren ended. RFC Liège also showed interest in Gillet, but they are still playing the final round to promote to 1B with Dender, Knokke and Dessel Sport.

Gillet says he will decide soon. Possibly he will stop playing football.

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