"Focus is now on Dutch national team"

MONDAY, 12 JUNE 2023, 13:55 - lajoya
Anderlecht-Online No Image Found

INTERVIEWS Bart Verbruggen is currently with the Netherlands U21, which will take on our young Devils on 21 June. The transfer rumours surrounding Verbruggen are going strong, but the goalkeeper does not want to be distracted by that at the moment.

"I am focusing on the things where I have influence at the moment and that is the national U21 team," Verbruggen told Dutch media.

For the goalkeeper, the season was already over in April, but he did not sit still. "I first took some holidays and then I started training with my ex-club NAC Breda who were still in full play-offs. So I am fully ready."

Premier League
Burnley are pulling very hard on Verbruggen's sleeve, even did so last season.
"It's a dream to play in England. To be named among those clubs that play in the Premier League is an honour and a compliment. But the most important thing now is the national team, after that we'll see."

Source: © Internal source

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