Boussoufa: "Want to play a good season"

TUESDAY, 8 JULY 2008, 18:38 - driess
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Mbark boussoufa joined the rest of the squad yesterday. The Marrocan player has shared his ambitions for the coming season. "I have the same ambitions as Anderlecht," he said in "Het Nieuwsblad".

"That means that I want to become champion, and play in the Champions League. I want to show that I have my place in that competition. On a personal level, it's good to hear that you are a candidate for the Golden Boot. If I can maintain the same level of play of last season, I know I have a chance of winning the Golden Boot again".

"What concerns me a little, is that in the past years my first round never was as good as the second, but I would like to change that. I want to achieve a high level of play during the whole season".

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