
1. Rules

Participating the quiz means that you accept the disclaimer and the rules below.

2. Participating the quiz

The quiz will go through every two weeks. The questions will be online every Friday. You have time until the next Thursday, two weeks later, (10pm) to send us your results. In 24 hours the results will be online and you can see the new questions. This might be, without previous warning, changed by the webteam in some circumstances. You can only participate the quiz once per round. You are able to change your answers permanent, until Thursday evening 10 pm. The quiz ends after 10 rounds. Just one person per family can participate! So each geographical address can only be entered once in our database.

3. Games and points

There are 2 types of rounds. The normal round will ask you 2 open questions (each worth 10 points) and 3 multiple choice questions (each worth 5 points). Once in a while we can add a bonus round, this contains 3 multiple choice questions (each worth 5 points) and you will have to search for a relation (link) between the 3 correct answers. If you find the correct link, your points will be doubled and you'll get a bonus of 10 points! There is no link between the number of normal rounds and the number of bonus rounds!

4. Prizes

Winner: The winner is the one who ends on the first place at the end of the quiz-season. He/she will receive a surprise. The prize will be send by mail (postal service).
2nd in ranking: The person who ends 2nd by the end of the season, receives a surprise too, with a lower value than the winner's prize.
Most loyal contestant: The most loyal contestant is he or she who participated the most quiz rounds during the season. We will hand out 1 gift certificate amongst the most loyal participants.
Tie: When there is a tie, a drawing will be held to determine the winner.
2 Prizes: It's not possible that one and the same person wins the both prizes.

5. Sanctions

Breaking one of the rules involves that you will be banned from the quiz.

6. Foreigners

Do you live outside Belgium and you have won a prize? In that case the shipping costs will be subtracted form your prizes' value.

7. Disputes

As always with a quiz, the quiz master is always right!

8. Question and problems

Questions, problems or remarks? Please go to our contact form.